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Minorities a prime target of Las Vegas police seizures
Target 12: RI Police Seizures Top $15M in Last Decade
POV: you’re 6’9” 400 pounds and booked the middle seat
Police data capture may target minorities through cell phones
Man passes out after stranger in China applies mysterious ointment on his back #shorts
Scholarships awarded in memory of 2 Las Vegas police officers
Las Vegas police hope to close gender, race gaps
US Restoring Asset Seizures With New Safeguards
Report shows minorities are more likely to be arrested after being stopped by police in Boulder, Col
Civil Asset Forfeiture: This Is How Police Departments Make Millions By Seizing Property ...
After Ferguson, New Focus on Race and Policing
ABC News Prime: Pres. Biden tries to sell plan; Anti-protest laws sweep nation; College hazing death